Polines Students Use Water Hyacinth Waste to be a Cultured Smartphone Case

Currently, globalization affects all areas of life, for example the fields of technology, information, and communication as well as the socio-cultural field. In the field of technology itself the creation of a gadget called Smartphone is one proof of the existence of globalization.

For the socio-cultural field itself, the reduced love of Indonesian youth for their own culture is also one of the evidences of the strong influence of globalization.

Using these two things, 5 Semarang State Polytechnic students, namely Enrico Maulana Wantoro (D-3 Electronic Engineering), Mochamad Rizal Amrullah (D-3 Mechanical Engineering), Yunita Kholida Zahra (D-4 Managerial Accounting), Mumun Mulyawati (D-4 Managerial Accounting), Noviawati (D-4 Managerial Accounting) initiated an idea to make a product called “SMARTPHONE CASE CULTURE” through the 2017/2018 Student Creativity Week in Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) program which is funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti).

It is hoped that this product will be able to compete with other similar products that have been circulating in the local and foreign markets first. As well as society in general and teenagers in particular can like traditional Indonesian cultured products without fear of being out of date. The purpose of making this product is first, to open up business opportunities that are guaranteed to be sustainable, by using raw materials that have a high growth rate, namely water hyacinth, so that the availability of water hyacinth is guaranteed. raw material. Also, the increasingly rapid production of smartphones makes the market smartphone case will never die. Second, the manufacture of this product is expected to maximize the use of water hyacinth and be a solution to the crisis of love for Indonesian culture itself.

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