Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) and the Indonesian Professional Appraisal Society (MAPPI) agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding between institutions. The official signing ceremony took place in the Director's Meeting Room, Directorate Building, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, Wednesday (16/5)
The signing of the memorandum of understanding was carried out directly by the General Chairperson of the MAPPI National Management Board, Ir. Okky Danuza, MSc, MAPPI (Cert) and Deputy Director for Planning and Cooperation of Polines, Drs. Budi Prasetya, MSi. Also attending and witnessing this event were all ranks of Polines leadership and MAPPI management.
Drs. Budi Prasetya, MSi, as Deputy Director for Planning and Cooperation of Polines in his speech said that this cooperation is in order to optimize the principle of partnership that benefits each other. "It's beneficial for both parties," he said.
Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the MAPPI National Management Board, Ir. Okky Danuza, MSc, MAPPI (Cert) said that the purpose of his institution in collaborating with Polines is in terms of institutional development in the form of implementing Appraisal education. "Education of Appraisers for Polines students," he explained.
The scope of this collaboration for MAPPI includes the implementation of Basic Level Assessment Education (PDP), Advanced Level Education (PLP), Advanced Professional Education (PPL) and other activities that support assessment. Meanwhile, the benefits of this collaboration for the Polines in the scope of the education sector include student internships, KKL and guest lecturers.
"This collaboration is also expected to introduce the appraiser profession to the public," said Okky. Currently, he said, the number of people who work as appraisers is still very minimal in ratio to the total population in Indonesia.
The number of Appraisal Professions according to MAPPI data is still very minimal according to the ratio of the Indonesian population. In addition, the distribution is uneven. Most of them are on the island of Java, especially in the Greater Jakarta area, while in eastern Indonesia, the appraisal profession is rare. Therefore, the existence of the Appraisal Law is very necessary at this time to ensure the existence of appraisers in Indonesia.