Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus (AGPG) won an award in the Most Branches category at the recent Go-Food Partner Champion Night event. Located at ballroom Djakarta Theater Thamrin, Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus beat two other nominees in the same category, namely Bollo Bola Ubi and Dum Dum Thai Drinks.
This award was received directly by Rido Nurul Adityawan, the founder and owner Gepuk Pak Gembus Chicken in Jakarta, Friday (23/2) night. Interviewed shortly after receiving the award, Rido said that currently there are no less than 640 branches that have been opened, including in Malaysia and Singapore, with 416 of them located in Jakarta. Of that number, there are 167 branches that have been registered as Go-Food partners.
Rido explained that the idea of establishing a gepuk chicken business started with his liking for spicy food. "Besides that, I see that chili stalls everywhere are always busy and in demand, never empty," said the 30-year-old man from Magelang, Central Java. Even though at that time he was working as a customer service at a company in Jakarta, his desire to open his own business never subsided. Finally, the alumni of the D3 Business Administration Study Program at the Semarang State Polytechnic was also creative in creating a sambal menu that had never existed before.
Finding the right mix, Rido then stopped working at the company and decided to become an entrepreneur. Started pioneering the first branch in the Srengseng area, West Jakarta on October 12, 2013, until the next 6 months Rido was still selling himself. After his business got busier, Rido just dared to recruit employees. After that, other branches began to be opened, both self-owned and using the system franchise (franchise).
Rido, who eventually married one of his customers, hopes that this business will bring blessings not only for himself and his family but also for business partners and the wider community in general. (man)