Saturday (9/12), Polines managed to win in each of the 2017 SHEVENT (Sharia Economic Event) competitions. The competitions were the Essay Competition, Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ), and the Smart Contest (LCC). KSEI Jazirah Polines managed to get 1st place in the Essay competition
Competition on behalf of Felach Aunur Khikmah (Sharia Banking 2016) and Mita Devi Ardayanti (Sharia Banking 2016), 2nd place in the MTQ competition branch on behalf of Ahmad Baligh (Islamic Banking 2017), and 2nd place in LCC on behalf of Akhida Fikriana (Sharia Banking 2015) ), Anna Uswatun Khasanah (Sharia Banking 2015), and Lilis Safitri (Sharia Banking 2015).
The event, which was held by the Fossei (Islamic Economic Study Forum) commissariat of Semarang, took place at the State University of Semarang. The universities that took part in this event were Semarang State Polytechnic, Diponegoro University, Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang, Muhammadiyah University Semarang, IPMAFA Pati, Central Java BPD Bank, UNISNU Jepara, and UIN Walisongo Semarang with a total of 59 students participating in the competition.
"Although Polines has not yet won the overall winner, Alhamdulillah, we were able to win in each branch of the competition," said the student who is familiarly called Felach.
For the activities of the competition itself begins with administrative selection. The top 7 essay competitions were taken before the D day, which was announced on December 1, 2017. Meanwhile, the MTQ and LCC competitions were immediately contested on the same day. LCC goes through 3 stages, namely the preliminary, semi-final, and final stages. The universities that entered the final were POLINES, UNDIP, and two groups from UIN WALISONGO. In the final round, it was stressful for Polynes students, because in the contest stage, Polynes students had a negative score, but Alhamdulillah, it was closed with a presentation stage.
“Initially we thought that we didn't win because there was a minus point in the contest. When we heard that the 3rd place winner was UIN Walisongo, we felt that there was no hope, but when it was read out that the 2nd place winner was from KSEI Jazirah Polines wuuuuhh we immediately screamed because we didn't expect it," said Lilis excitedly.
"Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful for the blessings that have been given by Allah SWT who have made the impossible possible. The temilkom championship is one of the essences of the results of the study that still must be improved so that achievements do not only stop at the commissariat but hopefully can win the Temilreg and Temilnas at the next meeting” said the president of KSEI Jazirah, Rifki Daivani H.