Ahmad Fajri, a student of the Semarang State Polytechnic Financial Analyst (Polines) study program succeeded in making a prestigious achievement at the national level at the 2017 BPK Audination: Auditing Olympiad for the Country in the Audea competition branch (written paper) organized by the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) at the BPK RI Education and Training Center, South Jakarta, (27-30/11).
This achievement is considered prestigious because the organizer is BPK, where the aim of this Olympics is BPK is looking for reliable auditor candidates from all national and private universities throughout Indonesia. This BPK Audition is the first and only audit olympiad in Indonesia. The total participants in the audit olympiad for the country (BPK audition) are 752 participants from 114 universities in Indonesia. In this event, the STAN State Finance Polytechnic won as the overall champion.
Fajri, as he is usually called, a 2014 student, won the second place after UGM, from a total of more than 70 universities that participated in the Audea (writing) competition. In a paper that he compiled under his supervisor Iwan Budiyono, SE, M.Sc., Akt., CA, Fajri tries to provide solutions to the government to improve the reliability, transparency and accountability of financial reports and minimize corruption and fraud in preparing financial reports through external audit implementation program. "WL I'm grateful that I got the second place,” he said proudly. Even though he wasn't the best, he continued, the most important thing for him was that introducing and bringing the good name of the alma mater was enough. "I aspire to be part of the BPK RI auditors," said the 2016 national-level student finalist.
The appreciation given by BPK RI to the champions is learning journey which will take place in Jakarta and Yogyakarta which will be held in January next year.
Deputy Director for Student Affairs Polines, Rustono, SE, MM continues to encourage students to excel according to their interests and talents. "The achievements at the 2017 BPK Audition add to the list of achievements achieved by Polines students at the end of this year," he said proudly. It is hoped that next year the Polines Team can participate in all competitions and achieve even better achievements.
In addition to the Audea branch (papers), the Semarang State Polytechnic team also sent delegates to other branches such as Auditism (Audit Debate) represented by Winda Ihda Maghfiroh (2014 Financial Analyst), Agustina Wahyu Widayati (2015 Financial Analyst) and Ummu Qurrota A'yun (Financial Analyst 2015). And the Audicreate branch (Audit Innovation Publication Work) represented by Bayu Aji (2014 Financial Analyst), Rizki Dini Sandra Yunita (2014 Financial Analyst) and Yunvarinda (2015 Financial Analyst).