Si Lemper, Polines Innovation for Dairy Farmers

The Si-Lemper socialization and training for Cattle Breeders in Semarang Regency was held at the Getasan District Office, Kab. Semarang on November 2, 2017. Si-Lemper is a dairy cow information system built by the Polines research team (Dr. Anwar SA, M.Kom, Prayitno, SST, MT, and Rofaryam ST, M. Sc).

Si-Lemper is an electronic livestock card that was built with the intention of replacing the Livestock Card which was recorded manually by the Village and District Officers. Si-Lemper can overcome delays in data from farmers sent to the Semarang Regency Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Office.

Semarang Regency and Gunung Kidul Regency are two pilot project locations for the implementation of large animal Livestock Cards (Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, and Buffaloes) by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. The route for sending livestock card data is the Breeder-Ultimately Officer-Sub-District Officer-District Animal Husbandry Division. The problem that arises is the delay in data reaching three months for data from farmers to reach the district livestock office.

The results of the socialization showed the enthusiastic attitude of the participants. Head of Animal Husbandry Division of Semarang Regency, Ir. Febriana welcomed SI-Lemper. A number of inputs to facilitate the filling of Si-Lemper were proposed by the participants. One of the suggestions from Ir. Febriana, after the proposed improvement of SI-Lemper is completed, socialization will be held at the Semarang Regency Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Service Office. It is also advisable to inform the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry at the provincial level of Central Java.

Si-Lemper was built with research funding sources DIPA (PNBP) Polines in 2016 and socialization and training using community service funds sourced from DIPA (PNBP) in 2017. Si-Lemper consists of 8 forms of livestock card, namely: Livestock Card, Birth Card , Livestock Sales and Purchase Cards, Livestock Certificate Cards, Livestock Death Cards, Livestock Visum Cards, Livestock Health Cards, and Livestock Expenditure Cards. These Eight Livestock Cards are cards issued by the Ministry of Agriculture that will be used for recording livestock in Indonesia.

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