Learning in the digital era requires teachers to master the technology of making multimedia teaching materials. Based on these needs, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) through the Community Service Program, Informatics Engineering Study Program, Electrical Engineering Department held training in the manufacture of multimedia teaching materials.
The partners involved in this activity were 15 teachers from SMPIT Bina Insani 1 Gedawang, Banyumanik, Semarang, SDIT Bina Insani, and SDIT Al Kamilah. The activity took place in the classroom at SMPIT Bina Insani 1, Gedawang, Banyumanik, Semarang, Saturday (11/11). The Polines community service team consists of 5 lecturers, namely Mardiyono, S. Kom., M. Sc., Sukamto, S. Kom., MT, Tri Raharjo Yudantoro, S. Kom., M. Kom., Prayitno, S. ST., MT, and Liliek Triyono, ST, M. Kom.
In his remarks at the opening of the activity, the Principal of SMPIT Bina Insani 1, Syamsul Huda, S. Pd. welcomes the implementation of this training activity. "So that teachers can gain knowledge and apply it so that they can enrich teaching methods in schools," he hoped. Besides that, it is highly expected that there will be continued cooperation through community service activities so that they can increase the capacity and quality of learning in schools.
On that occasion also delivered remarks from the service team represented by Sukamto, S. Kom., MT as the Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program. He emphasized the importance of the role of the tri dharma of higher education, one of the pillars of which is community service in the transfer of applied technology to the community. "Through this program, the campus seeks to contribute in the form of technology and training, especially the manufacture of multimedia teaching materials," explained Sukamto, S.Kom, MT. The output of this training is in the form of mastery of skills in making multimedia-based teaching materials in the form of multimedia files that can be played on a computer device, making it easier for students to learn independently.
The materials provided in this training include Introduction to Multimedia Technology, Introduction to Multimedia Teaching Materials Software, and Practicum on Making Multimedia Teaching Materials. The first material was delivered by Liliek Triyono, ST, M. Kom., while the second material was given by Prayitno, S. ST., M. Kom. In the last session, the teachers were guided by the dedication team to make their own multimedia teaching materials according to the materials that had been prepared. The software used is in the form of Power Point and iSpring which is able to combine data powerpoint slides with the teacher's explanation through video recordings. The participants were very enthusiastic in completing the teaching materials and by the end of the event all participants had been able to complete the task of making multimedia teaching materials. On that occasion also handed over the assistance of learning technology equipment to schools to increase capacity in supporting the manufacture of multimedia-based teaching materials.