In order to carry out two of the three pillars in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education and teaching, the Semarang State Polytechnic Bahtera Manunggal Student Cooperative (Kopma BM Polines) held a NATIONAL SEMINAR & NATIONAL ESSAY COMPETITION aimed at Polines students, students of other universities, and opened for the public with a total of 228 participants who registered. This year's NATIONAL SEMINAR & NATIONAL ESSAY COMPETITION has the theme "Creative Economy as the Leading National Economy".
The activity with the theme "Creative Economy as the Leading National Economy" was held on Saturday (21/10), in the Multipurpose Room, Polines. Present as a resource person for this event, Bagus Rachman SE. M.Ec as Director of Business and Marketing of LLP-KUKM Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI and Saptuari Sugiharto, the motivator, owner and founder of Kedai Digital Jogist, Tengkleng Hohah, `The author of the #sedekah group movement. The event was opened by Rustono, SE, MM Deputy Director III for Student Affairs Polines. Followed by a National Seminar with the delivery of the first speaker material on creative economy and continued with the second material on the application of the creative economy in the field of entrepreneurship in real terms by Saptuari, who was enthusiastically welcomed by the participants who actively asked questions to the two speakers. After the presentation of the material and the question and answer session was completed, the activity continued with the announcement of the winner of the National Essay competition and the handover of the Central Java Governor's permanent trophy.
In addition, prior to the implementation of the National Seminar on Kopma BM Polines, there was the opportunity to carry out a series of National Essay Competition processes which were opened for registration on August 14th with a total of 38 registrants. Until the top 5 finalists of the Essay Contest were selected to make a presentation on Saturday (21/10) and the winning results were obtained, namely 1st place (University of Brawijaya and Ari Purnomo Aji and Silvi Dwi Rahayu), 2nd place (Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic and Angga Ade Purnawan and Bella Naziel Iqmalia), 3rd Place (University of Brawijaya and Riski Damarfadilah and Febriani Khairunnisa), 1st Place (Darussalam Gontor University and Indiana Gita Anggraeni and Jodi Arian K), 2nd Hope (Semarang State Polytechnic and Angga Dwi Pranata and Mustofa Romadlon)
“I personally really support this National Seminar. This activity is one way to increase the credibility of Kopma BM Polines in the future and introduce the Semarang State Polytechnic alma mater to the general public. The reason we chose the National Seminar & National Essay as one of the flagship work programs of Kopma BM Polines this time is because our basis is the Student Activity Unit which is engaged in business economics. In addition to increasing knowledge of the current economy, this activity also aims to find references to strategic systems that we can adopt and apply by modifying them according to current economic developments in Indonesia," said Nur Chasanah, as GM Kopma BM Polines. He closed his testimony with hopes and messages for all participants, “Hopefully this activity can be maximized in the following periods and the knowledge gained from this activity can be useful for oneself or the community in general. Our abilities may not be much, but the time we have to increase knowledge will create extraordinary things.