The National Achievement Forum (WJPN) is a national level competition organized by KSR PMI
UIN Walisongo Semarang Unit for 4 days, from Monday-Thursday, 4-7 September 2017 at Campus 3 of UIN Walisongo Semarang.
This competition was attended by 17 contingents spread across cities in Indonesia with one of the participants from the KSR PMI Team Polines Unit. In this activity there are many categories of competitions, including: WJPN Men and Women, Appropriate Technology (TTG), Multiple Victim Assistance (PKB), Speech Contest, and Video Journalism.
In this WJPN competition, KSR PMI POLINES Unit sent 1 of its best team consisting of 7 personnel (6 participants and 1 race companion), namely: Farid Arya, Aldafa Leorenaldi, Rizky Abdurrazak, Adinda Saraswati, Ahlul Trina, Ninda Firawati, and Azmi Sofi and this team managed to bring home 2 trophies and 1 medal.
The championship that was won by the KSR PMI Unit Polines team was the best speaker for Putri WJPN and the 2nd place in the speech contest. In addition, the KSR Polines team also ranked 10 in the Appropriate Technology (TTG) competition branch and ranked 8 in the Video Journalism competition, so that we took 7th place and won the Grade B trophy.
With the results that have been obtained, it is hoped that this activity can be a reference and be used as an experience so that later KSR Polines can have better quality in the future.