Polines Wins 3rd Position in the Best Polytechnic in Indonesia

The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) has released a ranking list of universities in Indonesia.

In line with the government's efforts through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to further encourage the improvement of the quality of vocational education through the revitalization of polytechnics, the clustering of Indonesian universities in 2017 is classified into 2 (two) groups, namely the Polytechnic group; and non-polytechnic groups (universities, institutes, etc.).

From this list, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education released a ranking of the 10 Best Polytechnic universities (PT) in Indonesia in 2017. In this ranking, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) managed to rank 3rd. Meanwhile, the first place was achieved by the Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (Pens), followed by Polytechnic The State of Sriwijaya (Police) is in 2nd place.

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT said he was grateful for this achievement. "This achievement is due to Allah's blessing, hard work and commitment from all elements," said Supriyadi in his office, Tembalang Campus, Wednesday (23/8). Hopefully these results will be used as evaluation material and motivation to further synergize the potential in Polines.

The 3rd place achieved means that Polines has managed to maintain its position in the 2015 ranking of higher education institutions. This year, Polines was ranked 3rd in the best Polytechnic in cluster I with a score of 1.96. Meanwhile, in the aspect of research and community service, Polines was ranked 1st, while the institutional aspect was ranked 3rd.

This ranking is based on several assessments, including PD Dikti, in this case the number of students and the number of lecturers. There is also an assessment in terms of research and community service, student affairs, BAN PT in this case institutional accreditation, Database Scopus , and Institutional. In a release from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, revealing the results of 5 (five) polytechnic college clusters with the composition: cluster 1 consists of 10 polytechnics; cluster 2 consists of 19 polytechnics; Cluster 3 is 53 polytechnics, cluster 4 is 54 polytechnics, and cluster 5 is 52 polytechnics.



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