The Polines debate team – Syukron Alhakim, Hany Windri Astuti and Alief Gusti Kurniawan – managed to occupy the top five
or Second Place Winner in the English Debate competition between university students in Central Java. In addition, Syukron Alhakim and Hany Windri Astuti were also selected as Best Speakers , don't miss Alief Gusti Kurniawan reaping the fruits of his hard work as a Breaking Adjudicator . The competition which took place at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta for three days, 12-14 July 2017, was attended by 40 universities in Central Java.
The Polines debate team has increased from year to year. In 2015 the Polines team won the top 8, and 2016 was in the top 6. This achievement is an entry ticket for the Polines to compete at the national level (NUDC) which is expected to take place from 3 to 8 September 2017 in Semarang. The achievements of the Polines team are not only the result of regular training from the three of them but are the fruit of cooperation and support from various parties including PECC Trustees, Drs. M. Muslikh, M.Pd., the trainers, and especially the debaters who are members of PECC who are committed and passionately accompany them as sparring partners in every training session.
Another achievement was also made by Cucu Kharisma Agil Munawar, a Semester 2 student of the International Business Management Study Program at the non-debate English competition event between 55 polytechnics throughout Indonesia, NPEO 2017 which was held at the Banjarmasin State Polytechnic. Grandson is in the top 5 in the competition News Casting and Arindra Martha Sasmita were netted as finalists in the contest Story telling.