SMKN 2 Semarang 1st Winner of the UN Competition

D3 Marketing Study Program (Marketing Management) Department of Business Administration, Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines)

held a 'Nationalism Activity' event in the form of a PBB competition (Rule of Rows) for SMA/K students in the Residency of Semarang and a seminar on defending the country at the local campus.

Head of the Department of Business Administration Polines Drs Budi Prasetya MSi accompanied by Rahayu Pitasari, the public relations officer stated that "Nationalism Activity" aims to increase insight and awareness of the role of Indonesian youth. Also invites youth to know the types of drugs and their effects.

The UN competition began with a morning rally and after the race ended in the afternoon it was closed with a closing ceremony. The participants of the PBB Competition were 11 Base (SMA/K) with the results of First Place PBB from SMK 2 Semarang, 1st Winner of Best Variations and Formation from SMK 3 Salatiga, 1st Place Best Danton from SMK 2 Semarang and General Champion from SMK 3 Salatiga and Favorite High School Champion 5 Semarang.  

The National Defense Seminar was opened by the Head of the Marketing Management Study Program, Noor Suroija, SE, MM by presenting the speakers, Major Czi Jatiproyono Asrendam IV/Diponegoro and Sulistyani, S.Pi from BNN. The first UN competition activity at Polines will be used as an annual calendar in the future.



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