The enthusiasm of high school / vocational / MA graduates to continue studying at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) from year to year
more increasing. This can be seen from the large number of registrants who took the written test for the Polines independent exam which was held on the Tembalang campus, Semarang, Saturday (22/7).
Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT on the sidelines of a review of the written test, said that there were 2,632 registrants for the Polines independent exam. "Increased compared to last year," he explained. The number of registrants in 2016 was 2,425 people.
According to data from the New Student Admissions Selection Committee (SPMB) of Polines for the Academic Year of 2017/2018, there were 2,632 self-examination registrants consisting of 1,470 people with a technical choice and 1,162 people with a trade system choice. While the registration that is currently ongoing is the Advanced Applied Undergraduate Program (STLJ). STLJ is intended for diploma three (D3) graduates who intend to continue their studies to an applied undergraduate level. Registration by on line still open until August 21 through the page