Poniman, SE, MSi, Deputy Director for Student Affairs at Polines Dies

The Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) lost its best son, Poniman, SE, M.Si (Deputy Director of

Polines student) died at the Roemani Hospital, Semarang, Saturday (17/06) at 16.00 WIB.

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT said, on behalf of the big family of Polines, we convey our deepest condolences for the passing of the late Poniman, SE, MSi. "Hopefully all the knowledge that he has given becomes an unceasing act of worship for the deceased and may the entire family he left behind be steadfast for this departure," he said.

The deceased was buried at the Egyptian TPU, Tembalang, Semarang. Departing from the funeral home Jl Tlogosari IV/5 No 41 Tembalang, Semarang, Sunday (18/06) at 10.00 WIB.

He was born in Kebumen, November 7, 1967. Rank history, Young Principal Pembina/IV-c. Education: SDN Mrentul II Kebumen, SMPN Prembun Kebumen, SMAN Prembun, Kebumen, Unsoed Purwokerto (S1), and Undip (S2). Position History : Head of the Department of Commerce Administration (2009 – 2013) and Deputy Director for Student Affairs Polines (2014 – present).

The deceased was the husband of Nastiti Andayani and left four children, namely Hanifan Nurhuda, Yunaera Cherunisa, Muhammad Jafits Fityan and Humma Fauzil Islam.

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