Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) won an A in the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (AIPT). This is based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT)
Number 2987/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/XII/2016 which is valid from 20 December 2016 to 20 December 2021.
The Accreditation Certificate was officially handed over by the Director of Higher Education Institutional Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Dr. Totok Prasetyo BEng MT to the Director of Polines Ir Supriyadi MT on the Polynes campus Friday (06/01/2017) witnessed by Member of the Executive Board of BAN-PT DrEng Ir Fauzri Fahimuddin MSc. The event was attended by all ranks of Polines Leaders, Chairs and secretaries of departments/study programs, heads of sections/subsections/centres/units/units within Polines, representatives of student organizations, and industry partners.
In his remarks, Supriyadi emphasized that Polines is ready to commit to improving the quality of vocational education as mandated by law.
Meanwhile, Fauzri said that the AIPT A predicate is an extraordinary achievement for universities, especially Polytechnics. With this result, Polines must be ready to become a reference for other Polytechnics that have not yet achieved an A grade. In addition, achievements at the institutional level should be followed by an increasing number of study programs within the institution that have received an A predicate. should immediately apply for re-accreditation, before the implementation of a new instrument with more difficult requirements. "If the existing accreditation instruments don't get an A score, then the A score will be even more difficult to achieve if you use the new instrument later," said Fauzri.
Totok Prasetyo said that Polines is one of three Polytechnics in Indonesia which has currently succeeded in achieving institutional accreditation with an A grade. Of about 4,445 universities in Indonesia, currently only 49 universities have received A accreditation, so the results obtained by this Polynes are very encouraging. However, this achievement also brings consequences that are not light. “As a consequence, all things must also be good, which includes good leadership, good commitment from all stakeholders, as well as a well-integrated system. These results must be maintained, do not be complacent with what has been achieved. All parties in Polines must also have a commitment to improving the quality culture,” explained Totok.
Also giving remarks at this event were student representatives by Bagas Saputro (President of the Student Executive Board, lecturer representatives by Drs Suryanto MPd (Mechanical Engineering lecturer), and representatives of industrial partners by Ir Hary Martono ST (CV Ukabe). All three said they were proud of the achievement of accreditation. and hope that in the future the educational process and services at Polines will be better, as the founders of Polytechnics in Indonesia had aspired to in the past.
(July Widiyanto, Muhammad Anif)