Palembang Police Academic Senate Comparative Study at Polines

The Academic Senate of the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic (Polsri) Palembang made a visit for a comparative study to the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) campus. Guest from the Palembang Police

led by Ahmad Zamheri, ST, MT (Chairman of the National Police Academic Senate) was received by Akhmad Jamaah, ST, MEng (Vice Director for Academic Affairs Polines) in the Director's Meeting Room, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Wednesday (30/11).

Also attending this event were M. Noor Ardiansah, SE, MSi, Akt (Deputy Director of General Affairs and Finance), Drs Suwinardi, MM (Chairman of the Polines Academic Senate), Drs M Asrori, MSi (Secretary of the Polines Academic Senate) and other members Polines academic senate BPH.

Ahmad Zamheri, ST, MT (Chairman of the National Police Academic Senate) said this visit was for a comparative study on institutional governance. "It is also about the duties and authorities of the Polines academic senate," he said. In addition, this visit aims to obtain an overview of the strategy and development of polytechnics in the future.

Meanwhile, Akhmad Jamaah, ST, MEng (Vice Director for Academic Affairs Polines) in his speech welcomed the visit from the Indonesian Police. "Hopefully this visit can benefit from each - each institution," he said. So that the cooperation between the two polytechnics is getting closer in terms of managing higher vocational education.