SENTRINOV 2016 was well and successfully held at the Star Hotel Semarang on October 15, 2016 by the Semarang State Polytechnic in collaboration with the Malang State Polytechnic and the Bali State Polytechnic.
Seminars are held to facilitate researchers, academics and industry practitioners in presenting their applied and innovative research results. SENTRINOV is held every year, where for 2016 this is the second SENTRINOV with a seminar theme: "Innovation of Smart Technology in Sustainable Nation Development". This seminar also collaborates with IAES (Intitute of Advanced Engineering and Science) to publish selected papers in Scopus indexed journals (IJECE, Telkomnika, and IJEECS) and DOAJ (IJAAS). In addition, the proceedings of this seminar will be indexed by IPI Portal Garuda and Google Scholar. With the implementation of this seminar, it is hoped that the results of applied and innovative research will be closer to the stages of industrialization, commercialization and public use.
SENTRINOV 2016 was attended by participants from 11 institutions and 6 provinces in Indonesia with a total of 71 papers submitted. Ir. Muhammad Mukhlisin, MT and continued with remarks from the Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic represented by Ir. Ahmad Jamaah, M.Eng. as Deputy Director I. In his remarks Deputy Director I emphasized the importance of this seminar event for the process of disseminating research results and increasing the quantity and quality of publications for higher education institutions in Indonesia. After the opening, the event continued with the signing of the MoU and MoA between the Semarang State Polytechnic and the Bangka Belitung State Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Babel), where with this signing the Babel Polman officially joined the Sentrinov organizers for the following years.
The next event was the presentation of two keynote speakers, which were presented in this seminar, namely: Prof. intermediate. Dr. Roszilah Hamid, a Civil Construction expert and also Head of Education Research Center, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Dr. Mohammad Faisal, a macroeconomic expert and Director of CORE (Center of Reform on Economics) Indonesia.
Parallel presentations of 71 incoming papers were held from noon to evening using 4 seminar rooms. At the closing session, the best paper was announced for the technical and social categories. For the engineering category, a participant from Polman Babel won, and a participant from Diponegoro University won the best paper for the social category.
SENTRINOV 2016 was closed by the Head of P3M Semarang State Polytechnic, Dr. eng. Sidiq Syamsul Hidayat., ST, MT which was marked by the signing of the Minutes of the handover of the 2016 Sentrinov host represented by the Head of P3M Polines to the 2017 Sentrinov host, namely the Malang State Polytechnic represented by Dr. Sidiq Syamsul Hidayat., ST, MT. M. Maskan, M.Si. After the closing, the 2016 Sentrinov event ended with a Gala Dinner at the Sky Pool Star Hotel.